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Share Waste Australia – Connecting Australians to Reduce Waste

Make an impact on the environment by connecting with other Australians through Share Waste Australia. Share your unwanted food scraps and green waste with a person who can compost them in their home garden.

What Is Share Waste?

ShareWaste is an online platform that connects people who have food waste with people who can compost it. Through this platform, users can connect with one another and divert their food waste from landfills to compost instead.

✅ Meet neighbours
✅ Recycle organics
✅ Build soil

You can connect with people through the website or on the iphone or android app.

Where Is Share Waste Available?

ShareWaste is available all around the world. As more people learn about this platform more hosts and donors are signing up. Check the map to see if there is anyone you can connect with in your area.

What Is Composting?

Composting is the process of breaking down organic material into nutrient-rich soil. It is a great way to reduce waste, while also providing beneficial nutrients for plants and gardens. Composting can be done at home, in your backyard or even at a community level.

Why Is It Better To Send Waste To Compost Instead Of Landfill?

Composting is an environmentally-friendly and sustainable way to deal with organic waste. It helps to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills, while also providing a natural fertilizer for the soil. Composting is a great way to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as it prevents methane from being released into the atmosphere when organic matter decomposes in landfills. Additionally, composting helps improve soil quality by adding nutrients that are beneficial for plant growth. By sending our organic waste to compost instead of landfill, we can help create a healthier and more sustainable environment for future generations.

Composting Food Is The Last Option – Stop Food Waste Before It Becomes Waste

Stop Food Waste

Australians throw away $8 billion worth of edible food (up to 20 percent of our groceries) every year! With the changing climate and food becoming harder to produce we can’t afford to be wasting food. Food scarcity will be a huge problem in the coming years and we need to learn to value and respect our food and the people that farm and produce it.

Thanks For Sharing Your Waste!

I really love this idea and can’t wait to try it out! Have you used Sharewaste before? Let us know in the comments if you have tried or plan to soon!

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