Reusable Razor vs Disposable Razor
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Reusable Razor vs Plastic Razor

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Simply Plastic Free contains affiliate links. Some products and services linked to from this blog post are affiliate links. If you make a purchase using one of these links I may receive compensation at no extra cost to you. Read the disclaimer for more information

Why You Should Swap Your Disposable Plastic Razor For A Reusable Saftey Razor

Let’s talk about the razor. As a teen, I would use all sorts of plastic razors to find the perfect one. It had to be a close shave, not leaving any ingrown hairs or cutting my skin, no razor rash or those weird bumps. 

When I started my sustainable journey. I researched so many different types of safety razors. I was hesitant as they were much more expensive than the plastic multipack. So, I did the maths and roughly worked out I would be saving a lot by purchasing a good quality razor and taking care of it.

When I got my first safety razor, I was terrified of it! Mainly the blades. I didn’t think it was smart to have blades lying around. I store my blades in an old toothpaste jar and keep them at the back of my drawer in the bathroom. Initially, I was terrified of doing some serious damage to my skin, and yes in the beginning I did knick myself now and again until I learnt how much pressure my skin could handle. Switching to a safety razor was a great decision and I will never look back. I have been using my Safety Razors for well over 2 years now, here are my top razor picks:

5 cons to disposable plastic razors

Disposable plastic razor pink


We all know what this means, all I can say is WHAT THA F!!!!!


Made from virgin plastics and difficult to recycle, it can be quite dangerous trying to separate the blade from the plastic. Not a lot of recycling centres do, so most razors end up in landfill

An unnecessary amount of waste

Plastic razors last roughly 5-10 shaves before needing to be discarded. The plastic handles are perfectly reusable, since you can’t change the blade, everything must be thrown out!!

Plastic razor blue

Do not biodegrade or compost

Most razors end up in landfill and waterways, which take years to break down and turn into microplastics, this type of plastic does not compost which means it will be around for years and years just getting smaller and smaller, which is harmful to our air and water.


A lot of plastic razors are packaged in plastic, unethically made and mass-produced through unsustainable practices.

5 reasons to switch to a reusable razor

Reusable razor with blade

Elegant, sleek, and stylish

Safety Razors come in all sorts of colours, styles, and sizes. 

One razor for life

Potentially you can use the same razor for your entire life. The stainless-steel handle and blade holder are designed to last a lifetime and can be easily recycled

A close shave

I’ve noticed with my razor, I don’t need to shave as often as I used to. It might be cos I’m getting old and losing my hair?!?! I can potentially get 2 months between shaves for my legs and 3-4 weeks between shaves for my underarms

One-time purchase = savings money!

Let’s be honest consumerism has gotten to us all, we will probably buy more than one razor in our lifetime, but if you wanted to, you could save a lot of money on razors.

Leaf Shave Twig Razor Bundle

Reduce waste

Reusable razors mostly come in compostable or recyclable packaging, you are also purchasing less which means less production and better-quality materials. Ethical and sustainably made.

I use the Flora Soaps and Oils shaving soap bar. Which lathers like no tomorrow!!

Are you ready to switch to a reusable razor?

Read our guide to buying a safety razor

Parker 29L Safety Razor
Leaf Shave Twig Reusable Single-Blade Razor 
Parker 45R Safety Razor 
Leaf Shave Reusable Pivoting Razor
Parker 63C Open Comb Razor 
Leaf Shave Twig Reusable Single-Blade Razor

We urge you to be safe and careful when changing your razor blade. Read the instructions and understand how your safety razor works. Only change your blade when you have time. Rushing can lead to unnecessary cuts. Make sure your hands are clean and dry and you have adequate lighting and space.

What other fun facts or suggestions do you have?

We love to hear your pros and cons on disposable razors vs reusable razors!

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