Start Your Sustainable Journey - Text over house in forest with rainbow
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Live More Sustainably: How You Can Start Your Journey

Do you want to live more sustainably but are not sure where to start? You’re not alone. Many of us want to reduce our impact on the environment, but it can be overwhelming to know where to begin. The good news is that there are simple steps you can take to start your journey towards sustainable living. In this blog post, we’ll explore practical tips and actionable advice to help you make sustainable choices in your daily life. Whether you’re new to the concept of sustainability or looking to deepen your understanding, this guide will provide valuable insights to help you on your journey. Let’s get started!

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So, you are reading the news and talking with your friends about climate change, pollution, and fast fashion waste, and you have decided to make the conscious effort to believe it is real and that it is happening to us right now.

Seeing on social media all these amazing influencers who are living these luxurious sustainable lifestyles, their pantry is inspiring and the decor is unimaginable.

Now you are set and determined to mimic those you follow and those who inspire you.

You start researching sustainable brands and sustainable sites and bam!! The price is overwhelming! Then you start to think how did everyone manage to become sustainable overnight, you start doubting yourself if it’s even possible if you’re not rich? You start looking at second-hand stores and notice even thrifting is becoming expensive!

You get disheartened because you feel like you can’t make a real difference and that you have no other choice but to go back to your wasteful lifestyle

Well, this is where we come in. At Simply Plastic Free we want to support, encourage and celebrate all the wins, big and small because we believe even the smallest acts can make a huge impact.

Simply Plastic Free acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present, and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual, and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

live more sustainably: Steps to Get Started

We are here to tell you. No one became waste-free overnight, not even in a week. It takes your entire lifetime, this is a marathon, not a sprint. Take your time and follow these steps and you’ll make great progress before you know it!

Step 1. Notice your shopping for a month

Actively look at what you are purchasing on a daily basis, don’t make any changes for a month. Grab yourself a notebook and write down all the things you purchase, the plastic bags you use at the grocery store, and the takeout you get. Record every single purchase you make for that entire month. If you really want to you can even keep a record of how much you spend and see a big difference and what you save.

Step 2. Keep your waste for A month

Wash and keep all the waste you purchased for that month. All your plastic packaging, boxes, take-out containers, whatever it may be. Keep it all. This will help you see just how much you accumulate in one month.

Download our free waste audit tracking sheet.

Live more sustainably - Free download waste audit template

Step 3. Pick one area

I cannot stress this one enough. Pick a room in the house and focus on that area. I started with the bathroom as that was the easiest for me to change.

Step 4. Use what you have

Don’t throw out anything! Use what you have and replace it as you need. I started with my shampoo and conditioner bottles, once I finished and the conditioner ran out faster than my shampoo, I changed that first and kept using my Shampoo bottle, so I had a bottle and a bar for a bit. I bought my first bars from Lush, before finding some amazing bespoke businesses such as Ethique, Flora’s soaps and Oils, Hedgerow and Moore, Viva La Body, and more.

Step 5. Celebrate the small wins

Before you know it, you will notice in the following month you would have made so many changes without overspending, and throwing anything away. This is the best sustainable practice you can do.

Step 6. Don’t force anything let it become habitual

When we change our habits, we tend to stick to things better. Don’t force yourself to change too much too soon. Once you start looking for the signs, you will notice the signs!!

Step 7. Do your research

Don’t be afraid to ask questions, because if you think something is unethical or unsustainable, you have the right to learn more. We ask every day what sustainable practices brands implement. We won’t work with businesses and brands that don’t support fair wages, and who don’t support ethical working conditions. We aim to have large corporations and companies be transparent with their manufacturing.

Good on you for starting your journey to living more sustainably. We wish you all the best and we know you can do it. We are here if you have any questions or comments or just want to chat about sustainability!

Join our community and let’s connect on socials!

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