3 metal pegs on clothesline holding white garment with green lawn and trees in background

Sustainable Laundry Swaps For Your Eco-Friendly Home

Hi, my name is Kay. When I decided to go Plastic Free back in 2019. I found the laundry room was one of the easiest areas to switch out those nasty plastic bottles and very harsh chemicals. Does anyone even know what goes into making laundry liquids and detergents?? I sure as hell don’t, AND how scary is it when you start reading the ingredients?? I can’t even fathom how they come up with some of those crazy long-arse words!

Once I started looking for sustainable alternatives, I was blown away by how many products there are out there!!!!!

Sustainable Laundry Swaps

Here are my top 3 sustainable laundry swaps. You can find all these products at The Well Store.

Stainless Steel Pegs 

  • What a game-changer! you’d think these bad boys would heat up in the sun and burn your fingers, but no! Each Steal Peg is made using one piece of thin Steel, at The Well Store you can get a variety of different sizes and colours.
  • They are very durable, I leave mine outside all day and night, and no rusting or any damage
  • These Pegs will not break, and the beauty is they don’t leave peg marks, how cool is that?

Why switch to

Stainless Steel Pegs

Read our in-depth look at stainless steel clothes pegs and which is the best choice for you.


  • I love these! These are naturally occurring berries with a sticky coating that suds when added to water. Just remember they are sticky, you might need tongs if you don’t like the stickiness on your hands and fingers. Also, don’t forget to wash your hands! I accidentally put my fingers to my lips and now I understand why our mums threatened us with cleaning our mouths out with soap!!!
  • You can use the same Soapberries multiple times. place about 5-6 in a small mesh bag and use them as normal washing detergent up to 3-4 times. Love how reusable these guys are.
  • Once they are all dried out, just chuck them in your compost! A new blog coming soon stay tuned to read more on Soapberries.
  • Soapberries are unscented and this is where the Laundry Tonics or essential oils come in.

Laundry Tonics & Essential Oils

I love adding my own combination of scents and the option of having different scents for different loads of washing is a major win for me.

Making a sustainable swap is easy when you find brands you love and trust. Let us know in the comments some other sustainable swaps you have tried or would like to try.



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